TEXTUS: in-between text and textile

Exhibition (group)

TEXTUS: in-between text and textile, an exhibition and community arts project bringing together over 30 artists and poets whose work explores the entangled relationship between text and textile.

Booklook 1 & Booklook 2
09.07.2023 – 03.09.2023
Torriano Meeting House
London, UK

TEXTUS is not static; it is unfolding, refolding and enfolding. Drawing on the identity and history of the Torriano as a meeting house, TEXTUS calls for collaboration between its displaying artists, poets and visitors. Visitors are encouraged to relax on a sofa or chair, converse and use the provided writing materials to respond to the exhibited works.

Torriano Meeting House was squatted by John Rety, his wife Susan and daughter Emily in 1982 to live and work in. The meeting house evolved on the ground floor and was eventually given official status as a volunteer-run, arts and community organisation.

TEXTUS featured the work of these artists and poets: Timothy Adès, Jennifer Aldred, Booklook, Victoria Adukwei Bulley, Oliver Comins, Jo Cope, Josephine Corcoran, Natalie d'Arbeloff, Keri Finlayson, Jackie Goode, Sylee Gore, Shelly Goldsmith, Rose Higham-Stainton, Raisa Kabir, Lisa Kelly, Chris Kerr, Rohma Khan, Henrica Langh, Emma Lee, Patrizia Longhitano, Stuart McKenzie, Siobhan McLaughlin, Chika Oduah, Ben Philipps, Nina Mingya Powles, Lavinia Singer, Kathryn Southworth, Keziah Florin-Sefton, Lottie McCrindell, Tim Waller, Ellis Warren, Grace Warren, Thomas Whittaker, Stephen Paul Wren, Onosiokhue Yakubu

TEXTUS is curated by Keziah Florin-Sefton and Lottie McCrindell. With assistance from Onosiokhue Yakubu, Isobel Landell Mills, Phoebe Ingleby and Miriam Agiru.